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Focus 06:
Turn complaints into increased sales!

Master the Japanese market. Learn problemsolving and complaint handling! 

Focus 06:
Turn complaints into increased sales!

Throughout the last 25 years, we have done business with Japan and seen most of the possible type of complaints and problems which can occur in a business setting related to Japanese companies, ranging from purely product related complaints, like missing or wrong product, wrong labels, foreign materials, wrong color etc, to mis-communication, cultural issues, contract issues, price changes and you name it.

Japanese are known for complaining about practically everything. Non-Japanese companies either fight it, defending their products, or they comply with the customer or simply give up the market. The question is, which approach is most profitable in the long run.

The really important point is to cope with the complaint correctly. This will often take away the pressure from your importer leading them to prefer dealing with your company rather than a company who does not understand how to cope with complaints. Pushing hard against hard does not work in Japan at all. That may very likely end your business.

Want to learn complaint handling towards Japanese companies? Ask for a quotation. Let us handle it and setup a system so the persons in charge of your Japan business can learn how to minimize complaints and cope with complaints from Japan, leading to increased trust and increased turnover and profit on the Japan business.

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