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Focus 02:
Expanding on the Japanese market

Want to expand in Japan fast and easy?

Focus 02:
Expanding on the Japanese market

Are things going way too slow for your expansion in Japan?

Many companies experience they start up in Japan fairly easily, but the sales do not increase as expected. You may have a Japanese importer or partner company, who tells you "Japan is not an easy market and this is normal...!"

Well... that is truly a matter of opinion.

The right product can get instant success in Japan

If you have the right product, the right strategy and the right partner setup, you should have instant success in Japan.

The right product is a product where there are a fair Japanese demand for it. It has the right price, it is distributed correctly reaching your audience whether that is B2B or B2C customers. It has the right quality and the right price and has all the necessary setup for supply, complaint handling, necessary service etc.

Japanese companies won't do the marketing for you

Common mistake by exporters to Japan is that they export to an importer and expect the Japanese company to do the rest. Well, they won't...Are things going way too slow for your expansion in Japan?

Many companies experience they start up in Japan fairly easily, but the sales do not increase as expected. You may have a Japanese importer or partner company, who tells you:”Japan is not an easy market, and this is normal...”!

Well... that is truly a matter of opinion.
Marketing works exactly the same way worldwide. Japan is no different from any other countries. With the right product and marketing, no reason your product won't get success in Japan.

The right product can get instant success in Japan

"The right product" is a product where there are a fair Japanese demand for it. It has the right price; it is distributed correctly reaching your targeted audience whether that might be B2B or B2C customers. It has the right quality and has all the necessary setup for supply, handling of complaints, necessary service etc.

Japanese companies won't do the marketing for you

Common mistake by exporters to Japan is expecting the importer to do the marketing and all the efforts to promote your products in Japan. Well, they won't... This is important to understand if you want to expand.

A usual Japanese approach is they will have the salespeople in the company bring your product with them, next time they visit a customer and ask, if they want to have your product on their shelves as well... Nobody will really push anything for you. You can be lucky they show your product when they exhibit or have their yearly in-house exhibition. You can't expect much more than that.

What should you do to make sure your product is marketed properly?

First of all... you need to make sure you have a good relation to your importer. Talk to them, let them introduce you to distributors, retailers or who ever they have as next level in the distribution process. Make sure you understand the market. Dig into who is on the market, your competitors, possible distribution channels, who's connected to who etc. Understand your position on the market.

Then make sure you have the right contract with your importer from the very beginning. There has to be clauses which guarantees you, you can find an importer no 2, if no 1 does not meet the target you have set.

Secondly, follow up on whether they are actually doing anything to promote your product. It could be exhibiting your product or any other active promotional activities.

If things don't go as planned, it's time to talk to importer no 2 to see what kind of deal you can make.

This is a REALLY delicate process, as Japanese companies hate to be pushed. It is possible to push a Japanese company, but you seriously need to understand everything which is said, including body language. One wrong move, and the company will simply drop your product and make sure none of their customers will ever buy your product again.

Success in this area lays in understanding Japanese language and business culture.

Want us to help you expand?

We are very happy to assist you expanding in Japan successfully. Check out our services here.

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